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What are variables in apex?
In Apex, a variable is like a container used to store information that can change while the program runs. This information could be a number, text, date, or even a more complex data type like a customer record.
The type of a variable determines the kind of data that can be assigned to it. For example, numbers can be assigned to an Integer variable, while addresses can be assigned to a String variable, and so on.
Following is an example of declaring an integer variable with a default value of 10
Integer count = 10;
Why to use variables
Store Data
Variables act as containers to store information like Name, Age, or Sales.
Name: John, Age: 25, Total Sales: 3000
Make Programs Dynamic
Variables enable programs to adapt based on user input, creating personalized experiences.
Welcome, Sarah! (The name Sarah changes based on the logged-in user
Perform Calculations and Logic
Variables allow you to perform calculations and make decisions using logical conditions.
Total = Price * Quantity (e.g., Total Price: $50)