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Date variables in apex

What is a date variable?

In Apex, you can use Date variables to store dates. A Date includes only the day, month, and year. It does not store the time (like hours, minutes, or seconds).

Date variables in Apex can be used to:

  • Store dates (e.g., delivery date).
  • Compare dates (e.g., check if one date is before or after another).
  • Find a future date (e.g., payment due date).
  • Calculate the number of days between two dates.

How to declare a date?

You can declare a date using the Date data type and the Date.newInstance method.


In the above example:

  • The keyword Date is used to declare a Date variable.
  • The variable name myDate is used to store the date value.
  • The value 2024-12-01 is assigned to the variable myDate.

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