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How to initialize a map with values

Maps are empty when declared. To initialize a map with values use the following syntax.


In the above example:

  • In the above example, we have defined a map to hold the products and their respective quantities.
  • The map key is a string(product) and value is an integer(Quantity).
  • On the left of the '=>' symbol is the key and on the right is the value.

Initializing map values from SOQL

Map key-value pairs can be directly initialized from a SOQL query. To initialize a map from SOQL, use the following syntax:


In the above example:

  • In the above example, we have defined a map to hold the account id and account record.
  • The Map key is an Id and value is an account.
  • Apex can automatically map the Id to the key and the corresponding record to the value from an SOQL query list.

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