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Adding values to a list

How to add values to a list?

The values can be added to a list using the add() method. Following is an example of adding values to a list of strings.


In the above example:

  • The keyword List is used to declare a list which can hold string values.
  • The variable name names can be used to operate (add/remove..etc) on the list.
  • Thenames list contain three values(Adam, Akash, Chen).

How to access an element from a list?

The values in a list can be accessed using their index. The first element is at index 0, the second element is at index 1, and so on. The last element's index is equal to the list's size minus 1.

From the above names list:

  • The names[0] will return Adam.
  • The names[1] will return Akash.
  • The names[2] will return Chen.

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